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【复材专家系列3】A critical and rational review of damage and failure theories
发布者:管理员 日期:2016/5/2 浏览次数: 879次

Shuguang  Li(李曙光)

Professor of Aerospace Composites

The Faculty of Engineering

The University of Nottingham

Nottingham, UK

时间:2016年05月02日   2:00pm


邀请人:彭华新 教授

李曙光,英国Nottingham大学工程学院教授,英国曼彻斯特大学(原曼彻斯特理工大学)应用力学博士。曾任英国曼彻斯特大学航空和土木工程学院高级讲师;英国诺丁汉大学工程学院副教授 & 准教授。目前研究领域涉及“复合材料与结构”、“复合材料损伤和失效”、“复合材料冲击性能研究”、“航天结构设计”、“有限元分析”、“微机械结构”、“大变形分析”、“压力容器与壳体结构设计分析”等。承担包括Buckling and postbuckling of stiffened composite panels with and without damage等科研项目二十余项,总研究金额超过两百万英镑。至今已在权威性学术刊物上发表文章一百余篇,专著一本。


Theories for damage and failure of fibre reinforced composites are of such a rich abundancy that users are often led to a desperate state of confusion when they have to select appropriate theories for their specific applications.  The series of World Wide Failure Exercises (WWFEs) have made significant contributions to the clarification of the position, where a wide range of popular theories have been subjected to critical reviews based primarily on comparisons with a large but still limited number of experimental data.  However, there has been lack of a systematic review of the rationality of these theories.  The lecture is to make an attempt along this line.

Rationality of a theory is about the mathematical and physical logic underlying the theory, not so much about the closeness of their comparisons with experimental data.  Seeking for close comparisons with a set of experimental data before obtaining a basic level of rationality is not a scientific attitude, although the practice is becoming the norm in the community of science and engineering.  An irrational theory can never be a sound one no matter how closely it compares with experimental data in one respect or another, as it will never be able to compare well with experiments in all respects.  Usually, a good comparison in one respect is at the price of bad ones in some other respects, either unknown for the time being or hidden deliberately.

In the lecture, a number of typical and popular theories of damage and failure of fibre reinforced composites will be critically reviewed in terms of their rationality.  The objective of the lecture is to raise users’ aware of rationality of existing theories so that the users can be informed when select appropriate theories for their applications in future.  For researchers formulating new theories, the lecture is to help them prevent illogical considerations from being incorporated in the theories they are developing.

浙大复材专家系列讲座  第3期

InCSI Special Composites Seminar (No.3)
