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【复材专家系列14】Cost-affordable, high performance, 3D printed Ti and Ti alloys
发布者:InCSI YangY 日期:2019/11/22 浏览次数: 821次


严明    博士,洪堡学者(资深)

南方科技大学材料科学与工程系  研究员/副教授

深圳市航空发动机3D打印粉材工程实验室  主任

时间:20191121日(星期四) 16:00



Abstract: In this talk, an introduction to the research activity in Dr. Yans group on 3D printing of the highly reflective materials (Cu and Cu alloys), hard­to­weld materials (7xxx Al alloys and IN738LC) and breathable mould steel will be firstly briefed. The focus is on developing cost­affordable, high­performance, 3D printed Ti and Ti alloys. Cost affordability is one of the most limiting factors to the scale­up of the 3D printing industry particularity regarding the very useful & valuable Ti materials. The approach developed by Dr Yans group is able to reduce the cost on feedstock powder from the normally US$300 per kg to US$30 per kg. Based on the low­cost Ti powder, typical Ti materials including CP­Ti, Ti­6Al­4V, Ti­10V­2Fe­3V and Ti­TiB2 composite have been developed by selective laser melting (SLM) in­situ alloying. A few issues in developing the cost­affordable Ti powders for 3D printing will be addressed.

报告人简介: 严明博士教育主要在哈尔滨工业大学完成,并于澳大利亚昆士兰大学接受博士生联合培养。曾于日本国立材料研究所、昆士兰大学、皇家墨尔本理工大学工作。主要学术荣誉包括(德国)洪堡学者Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers,(日本)JSPS Invitation Fellowship,(澳大利亚)Queensland Smart Future Fellowship (Early Career), Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship (APD) 等。发表第一作者论文37篇,全部国际期刊论文约110篇,包括多篇Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia等主流期刊论文。主要从事金属材料增材制造&3D打印研究,尤其是开发低成本、可打印钛材料方面。他的研究获得了包括深圳市发改委工程实验室、深圳市科创委学科布局、广东省重大专项、广东省重点研发计划、国自然基金面上等资助,主持经费总额超过1300万。


浙大复材专家系列讲座  14

InCSI Special Composites Seminar (No.14) 
